Privacy Policy

Because protecting your privacy is very important to Onee, we operate our web site under the following guidelines to safeguard your personally identifiable information:

Onee policies and procedures for handling customer information have been created with the understanding that Internet technologies are still evolving and that Internet business methods are continuing to evolve to meet the needs and opportunities of the changing technologies. As a result, Onee policies and procedures are subject to change.

How does Onee collect information from you?

Onee collects information from you when you send it to Onee directly by filling out forms on Onee Website & Onee Dashboard (including any applications you connect as integration services), corresponding with Onee by e-mail, writing to Onee by post, or speaking to Onee by whatsapp. Onee also collects information from you when you browse the Website and use the Software, as set out in detail below. Some of the methods Onee uses to collect data are automated and will take effect automatically as you navigate the Website and/or use the Software.

What information does Onee collect?

Personal Information.

Personal information means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person (“Personal Information”).

Onee may collect the following Personal Information from you: name, address, date of birth, telephone number, postal address, e-mail address, IP address, information about the type of browser you use, your operating system, the screen resolution of your browser, your ISP, which pages you view on the Website and the time and duration of your visits to the Website, credit card number (in the case of direct customers) and, if applicable, company name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, national identification number, passport number, credit card number or tax ID number as well as similar information concerning technical contacts, marketing contacts, and executive contacts within your company or organisation.

User Communications.

If you communicate with Onee, Onee may collect information relating to that communication whether it takes the form of e-mail, letter, forum posting, testimonials or any other form of communication between you and Onee or submitted by you to the Website (collectively, “User Communications”).

Non-Personal Information.

Onee also collects data in a form that does not, on its own, permit direct association with any specific individual. Onee may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non-personal information for any purpose.

How does Onee use and store the information it collects?

As a general matter, Onee may use the Personal Information you disclose to Onee to improve and provide the Website, the Services and Onee’ other products and services, and for the specific purpose that you gave Onee your Personal Information. More specific details on how Onee uses your information follows below.

Onee may use Personal Information to create and authenticate your account, to process transactions you request such as domain name registration in order to perform any contract you have entered into with Onee, to provide you with customer and technical support and to communicate with you about your account and Onee’ products and services.

The Personal Information you provide to Onee allows Onee to provide you with the newsletters and mailing lists that you have signed up for with Onee. If you do not want to be on Onee’ mailing list, you can opt out at any time by changing your settings in your ‘Settings’ page within the client area.

Onee may also use Personal Information to offer, market or advertise to you Onee products and services. While such Onee products and services may reference, incorporate or include third-party products and services, Onee will not use your Personal Information to independently offer, market or advertise third-party products and services unless Onee first obtains your consent to do so.

From time to time, Onee may use your Personal Information to send important notices, such as important product updates and communications about purchases as well as changes to Onee’ terms, conditions, and policies. Because this information is important for your interaction with Onee you may not opt out of receiving these communications.

Onee may also use your Personal Information for any other legal purpose stated in this Privacy Policy, and any other purpose for which you have given Onee express consent.

Where you consent to Onee doing so, Onee may use your Personal Information to send you direct marketing communications. Should you ever choose to ‘opt out’ of receiving such communications, Onee may retain your Personal Information on file to ensure that Onee does not continue to target you with communications of the type that you have asked Onee to cease sending to you.

Onee limits the use of Personal Information to the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy and for which you have provided explicit consent. In accordance with established policies and procedures, Onee retains Personal Information only for as long as necessary to fulfil the stated purposes, unless it is required by law for a different period or Onee has the consent of the individual.

In accordance with established policies and procedures, Onee will periodically destroy or erase any Personal Information that is no longer needed.

Onee may use User Communications in the same way as Onee uses Personal Information. If you communicate with Onee for a particular purpose, Onee may use your User Communications for that purpose. For example, if you contact Onee for technical support, Onee may use your communications to provide technical support to you.

Where is your Personal Information stored?

Onee is a global company and your peronal data may be transferred to and stored at our Jakarta office and associated datacenters and by accepting our terms of service, you are explicitly consenting to this transfer and storage taking place. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

How does Onee protect your Data Security?

Onee will protect the confidentiality of your personal information, account information and personal communications to the fullest extent possible and consistent with the law and the legitimate interests of Onee, its partners, its employees and other customers of Onee services. To protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of information that is collected from customers, Onee has appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures in place.

Information and access to your Personal Information

Based on what you have told Onee, Onee tries to ensure that your contact information and preferences are accurate, complete, and up to date. You have the right to request access to and rectification or erasure of Personal Information or restriction of processing concerning your Personal Information or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. Onee will comply with erasure requests as long as Onee is not required to retain the Personal Information by law and does not need to retain it for its legitimate business purposes. Onee may decline to process requests that are frivolous/vexatious, jeopardise the privacy of others, are extremely impractical, or for which access is not otherwise required by local law. Access, correction, or deletion requests can be made by emailing [email protected].

Your Rights

As a Data Subject you have a number of rights in relation to your Personal Information. These include your rights:

  1. To ask Onee to confirm what (if any) Personal Information Onee holds relating to you and how that data is processed and used by Onee (of.ten referred to as a ‘Subject Access Request’);
  2. To have Onee rectify Personal Information which Onee holds about you that is inaccurate;
  3. To have Onee erase Personal Information which relates to you if it is no longer necessary for Onee to continue to process it, or if Onee has no lawful basis to store, process or retain it (though Onee does have rights to refuse these requests in certain situations);
  4. To object to Onee processing your Personal Information;
  5. To be informed about the existence of any automated decision making and profiling of your Personal Information, and where appropriate, be provided with meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing that affects you;
  6. To have Onee provide you with a copy of your Personal Information for transfer to an alternative provider of similar services.
  7. Should you ever wish to exercise one or more of these rights you should contact Onee at [email protected].

What if you have questions, comments or complaints about this Privacy Policy?

Please feel free to direct any questions, comments or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy using the contact information listed in the Notices section of the Onee Terms of Use. It is Onee policy to investigate and attempt to resolve all formal written complaints Onee receives concerning this Privacy Policy. Onee will cooperate with appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data that cannot be resolved between Onee and an individual.

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